Proverbs 11

Verse 2 says When pride comes, then comes disgrace…sometimes we just think too much of ourselves – don’t we?

A biology professor took a small group of young biologists into the desert for an intensive study.  Miles from civilization, the vehicle in which they were traveling broke down.  The group set out on foot on an estimated three-day trek back to their campus.  After two days of hard travel, they reached the summit of a huge sand dune.  Thirsty and sun-burned, they looked around and far off to the right was what appeared to be a lake with small trees surrounding it.  The students jumped and screamed for joy.  But the teacher, who had been in the area many times, knew they were seeing mirage. He presented the bad news to them and sought to convince them of their error.  But insisting their eyes could not be that deceived compelled the professor to go with them.

The professor permitted them to head off in that direction while he took another course.  He made them promise that once they discovered that it truly was a mirage that they would sit down and wait for him to come get them directly.  Three hours later the students arrived at a plush desert resort which had four swimming pools and six restaurants.  Two hours after that they set out in a Land Rover with rangers to search for their teacher.  He was never found.

Be careful thinking too much of yourself and your opinion.


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